Welcome to my health blog. I am a 29 year old living with a range of strange and confusing medical symptoms and conditions including various functional/neurological disorders, Endometriosis, PCOS, Raynaud's Disease
and seronegative Hughes Syndrome. This blog is to document my struggle with doctors and the impact these illnesses have on my life. I hope that in some small way, my experiences will give others who are in similar situations some sort of strength or some form of comfort. Thanks for visiting!

Some may question my choice of title but if you are ill constantly and seem to always have your brain on pain and discomfort that's making your life very difficult, you begin to feel that perhaps you are a hypochondriac or what's worse, that other people see you as one. Whether you are or not, you still feel pain, sadness, and dispair which brings me to this quote from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling:

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" - Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Cerazette: 2 Months On

I'm nearing completion of my second month on Cerazette. Before going on them I read through the leaflet, as you do, checking out the doom and gloom side effects. Had a read of a few forums, some okay, some not so okay. I found a lady's blog who had noted her side affects as she went and I totally intended to do this but.. it didn't happen, so I'm playing catch up!

Keep in mind - first I am using these as a means to stop my period in hope of preventing Endometriosis growth, not for contreception. Also, I have seronegative APS, Raynauds Disease and various other bits so my medications for these may

Week 1 - The headaches! Goodness, they were pretty special and rather constant. Nothing that some paracetamol/neurophen couldn't help. Acceptable comprimise compared with potential impending chemical castration!

Week 1-4 Longest period, eek! Wasn't sure it was going to stop actually. I assume its meant to be..urgh, for want of a better word, draining you. Mild cramps, nothing special.

Week 2-6 - Nausea! Nothing on the scale of norovirus or allergic reaction. I guess you could call it constant motion sickness. It was often there in the background at most times. Unpleasant but not the worst thing in the world. Luckily either I don't notice it anymore or it has passed.

Aside from those two things I don't think I've had anything horrible that can specifically be linked in to the drug. I think I'm one of the lucky ones!

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