I'm tired of being broken.. Innumerable things that just won't go away or pick just the BEST times to get worse. I'm sick of the pain, the meds, the utter lack of control. I'm tired of having to pay the price for every 'fun' thing I do. The feeling of failure is just wholly overwhelming and .. I'm tired of being such a painfully dull excuse for a human being.
So what do I do? Hide in a corner and cry while waving a 'feeling sorry for myself' flag? Well seemingly that would achieve absolutely nothing and further alienate people around me. Venting? Where would I even start? Everything and nothing. Life. So, writing nonsense on a blog is always the way to go! Also, chronic illness meme's always have a way to make one feel better. So here are some of my favourites!
And this is why I will be forever alone! |
The best by far! <3
Oh.. and I just nearly swallowed a gnat.. Mmmyummy!